1967 Sunsetters History – Optirama Program
ca1968 at Oregon Color Guard Show
1969 Astoria Regatta Parade (Oregon)
1969 Sunsetters – Astoria Regatta Parade (Oregon)
[almost identical to the photo above]
1969 Sunsetters – Astoria Regatta Parade (Oregon)
Oregon State American Legion,
Champion Color Guard
1971 Sunsetters
1971 on Parade
1971 Sunsetters
1972 (Sept 2) NWDCA Championships were the last known full-corps field competition for the Sunsetters.
1973 (Jan 21) Optirama, Sunsetters won the saber solo and saber quartet. No field competitions have been found in 1973.
1974 above, is the most recent known appearance of the Sunsetters. No field competitions have been found in 1974 or beyond.