Read more about the Rangers, the Pendleton Round-up, and other Eastern Oregon groups/events under the “Historical Perspective” page.

Additionally, read the Pendleton Sr. Corps page for more history on these two corps.


1970 Nationals Schedule – Rangers


1964 Rangers




1964 Rangers

Photo taken at the Athena Oregon parade




The young man in the wheelchair (left front) was a non-marching member and a big fan of the corps. 

He was terminally ill and passed away shortly after this photo was taken.  He was buried wearing his Rangers’ uniform.











1967 Rangers in Yakima, WA



1967 Salem Optirama Results





1969 Rangers in front of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem







1971 Pendleton Sr Corps Giving a Check to the Rangers

The Pendleton Sr Corps is closing its books and donating the proceeds to the local Jr. Corps. 

You can read about the Sr. corps on, you guessed it, the Senior Corps page.

(BTW $2,514.35 in 1971 is equal to $17,253.36 in 2022 dollars)




July 1, 1971




This photo was taken five weeks after the corps expanded from 10 to 32 horns.

The large date in the background is advertising for next year’s (1972s) Round-up.

Donated Photo!!




Donated Article!!



July 16, 1972



1972 or ‘73 Pendleton Rangers at the Native American village during the Pendleton Round-up

Photo courtesy of the Umatilla County Historical Society Museum